Welcome to the Land of Wild Designs Blog!!!

Land of Wild Designs Location Portrait Photography Serving Globe/Miami, Arizona and surrounding communities

October 3, 2010

Home Again!!!

Well, there was a little break from blogging...
Well, maybe not really so sorry
but still a little break.
I did a little bit of traveling and took a few pictures.
Ok well, Mike calculated and it was about 3,000 miles driven, so maybe more than a few, huh?
It was awesome to see the country & parts of Canada...wow! What an experience to have in Autumn. Leaves changing, a crispness to the air, (oh and did I mention SNOW?), and great people to see at every stop (gas & then go again).
I can't wait to show you some of the pictures.
You see, the pictures are the only things I brought back with me (besides Mike). I can't believe I didn't buy a tee-shirt or knick-knack in every town. The pictures are my only treasures from the trip. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do...when we get to see them, ha ha!
My favorites are the ones of Brielle & Joanna!!!
I can't wait to look at them on the computer
...still waiting for Mike's iPod to finish sync-ing so I can have the computer...
Waiting = FAIL

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